Up to Chi-town for Cards/Cubs, 6am burritos, capture the essence of Dave and the new Kell
Leave STL late friday. Drive. Hit a tractor trailer tire. Pull off broken pieces of car. Continue driving. Meet Dave and Dru out at midnight. Dru in AMAZING form. Back to Daves to play spades and eat burritos at 6am. Wake up at 2pm, get pizza and watch the Cards/Cubs rain delayed game. Waste time perfecting our quarters game. Get sushi at midnight. Back to Dave's. Try to capture the "essence" of Dave. Sleep. Head over to meet new baby Kell, Trevor James. He's not as ugly as you might think. Drive home. Don't hit another tractor tailer tire. Hip hop hooray.


Lisa re-enacting her 4th grade musical. Dru is swinging a lamp light saber for some reason.

Spin the dradle of almonds! Why, I have no idea.

Seconds to Lisa dropping a beer while trying to drink through her new "mask"...3...2...1...

The essence of Dave can never be captured, it is a wild beast that must roam free. Or something.




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All images copyright Lisa and Brandon Voges. All rights reserved. There. We said it.