The Hawaiian Honeymoon Cruise! Awesome! (once we actually got there)
Oh, the wonderful honeymoon cruise. It started off without a hitch...oh wait, no it didn't. If you'd like to watch a video summary of this ridiculous experience, click here. If you'd rather just get to the fun pictures parts, then go ahead and start scrolling down. Aloha!

Lisa with all the flight crew in San Diego because we were getting up to catch a flight at 5am.

They hooked us up with a first class flight on Hawaiian Airlines after all the mess. Awe. Some.

Everyone say HOORAY for travel insurance! How much is the Westin Maui? Who cares!

Yum! Fresh coconut...actually, it was disgusting.

We came back to our room (after spending most of the day at the pool) and our luggage was in our room.
Vacation has officially started.

Actually, vacation officially starts after we wax Lisa's eyebrows with our luggage tag.

Our first sight of the ship...was supposed to be on Monday, its now Wednesday morning. Boooooo.

I don't know how, but we missed the Wii Tennis Tournament. We would have dominated.

Who has bigger eyebrows? Sheesh.

This is the start of the 38 mile downhill sunrise mountain bike. Soooooo cool. Literally, it was freezing.

We were sitting in our room, and this window washer comes cruising by at about a foot an hour. Don't know
why, but it was hilarious to watch him stand there and not look in the rooms.

Notice the Navy Seal Training going on down there?

Crazy, we sat right next to Beatrice Author from Golden Girls.

Almost impossible to see, but on our way back about 5 or 6 dolphins surfaced in front of our kayak (Bud Select Crown style).
I stuck the camera in the water and snapped away, barely caught a few others swimming underneath us.

Don't ask.

We called these folks "The Boom Flop Family". All they did was go out, get detroyed by a wave, get up and go back again.
It was hilarious to watch.

Wild chickens everywhere...crazy.

Notice the piano player praire dogging in the champagne bottles.

After a few drinks, Lisa decided to become a chess piece. And set her cosmo on top of one of the pieces. It didn't stay there for long.

Its a good thing that drink was 98% alcohol...it dried before we got to the comedy club.

Me in the mini chair.

This is the face we made after listening to the resident cruise comedian Bud Anderson talk about himself for a good 4 hours.
The only reason we hung with him was because they closed down the bar and they let us stay because we were hanging with him.
He. is. not. funny. But, he did give us a sweet, signed DVD. Yikes.

Surf injury, exhibit A

Surf injury, exhibit B

This wine bottle fell off at table on the mezzanine and probably could have killed someone. But it didn't. So we laughed.

JC in the mini chair.


Us with our favorite bartender, Elroy...I mean Ester...Egor...Emma...Eric...Eloy....Yep, Eloy.
He was awesome, he really did make some great drinks..he even loaned me some lip gloss.

Happy Birthday Lisa!

Lisa "acting" like a homeless person at Pearl Harbour.



Please don't reproduce these pictures without our consent. Unless you are one of our friends or family, then have at it.
All images copyright Lisa and Brandon Voges. All rights reserved. There. We said it.