The 7th Annual Vogie Riviera - The Big Trip to Big Dicks
The ridiculousness meter hit an all time high this year. Hammerschlaggen until daylight. Twice. Shooting minnows. Kempers Birthday. Dru's bare chest dance. Larry missing everything. Kempers bare chest dance. Dru's bare back flip. Cromie racking himself on the boat exit. The Sally/Kemp/Jen/Lisa/Brandon beatbox/rap session. Mama Vogie singing "Mustang Sally" with the band. Etc. Etc. Etc.


Yes, that is a live minnow. Unfortunately.

I still can't believe Kemp did this one. 6-7 minnows, and even worse, in Tequila. Yikes.

That where all the minnows are swimming right now.

Wow, Don Shula hanging at the lake.

Cromie smashed the mini cromies.

I actually don't know what that is.

OH MY GOD. Larry is holding a Diet Coke. Not a beer. And its caffeine free even. The world is ending.

MC Lisa and Mix Master Jen.


The 7th Annual Vogie Riviera
Lakeside, boatside, hammerschlaggenside and other fun stuff >>
The Big Trip to Big Dicks >>

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All images copyright Lisa and Brandon Voges. All rights reserved. There. We said it.