The Big Island of Hawaii at the Nintendo Pueo house

Quotes, stories and memories...

- P-Lo's "pamplets"
- under water charades
- daytime, midday and nighttime pool
- Cromie - "There's food inside" Drunk girls in pool - "Why aren't there drinks...outside?"
- Brandon getting trucked by Cromie on boogie board
- Flat-top mullet guy on plane "I'd LOVE to get up"
- Ricky obliviously running over mongoose with golf cart
- The girls singing the entire Sound of Music soundtrack
- Here's to Ricky's 81!
- sunset human pyramids
- Lisa at dinner giving everyone the air punch. You, boosh. You, boosh. You, boosh.
- Douchey-douche
- Opposite Andy
- Cromie eating a moldy bagel
- The guy getting boom flopped in the face by the wave at Hapuna beach
- Old man + blue speedo = I need an adult! I need an adult!
- Ricky putting on sunblock underwater
- Pauletta the local
- Slick Dick
- Teenie Weenie
- What happened to the babies? Oh, they died. Want to buy a necklace?
- Tiki Torch lighting ceremonie
- Baby construction worker!
- Michael J. Fox Dragon!
- ILL...ILL...magicILL...ILL...(there were 100 pictionary quotes...can't remember)
- our new bff’s, Mike & Sandy Davis
- P-Lo revealing the secret that babies are born in cheese
- the people on Andy’s conference call hearing him count off how many beers he’d had…at 11am.
- creeping up in the dark to crash the lamest beach party of all time
- the creation of the international symbol for a barren woman
- P-Lo: “ALOHA…can you tell we’re tourists??” on the bike ride
- Underwater prom pictures
- Ricky’s never-ending debate: Room A or D?
- Team Red at Lookout Point
- the mini-dolphins…that turned out to be a giant Manta Ray
- Cromie being the voice of reason and making us go back to the pool
- me having to take the walk of shame and apologize to every room for being the drunkest human
- telling the boys to “get together, stupids.”
- the Patron taste test
-my A's want to play with your D's
- Ill-magical
- Mai Tai ... after Mai Tai ... after Mai Tai
- Paulicky mooning the camera as everyone else jumps
- Cat beach
- Yoga in the sand with the ocean breeze
- Our yoga instructor asking a tree permission to lean on it
- Malibu and any juice in the fridge
- Hot Tub, jump in the pool, hot tub, jump in the pool
- Ricky teaching us about star constellations
- Andy’s awesome steaks and Hawaiian breakfast (I forget the name :( ... correct me)
- Strawberry salsa on fish. Yummm!
- Team Croges
- Dani and Pauletta’s amazing humming capabilities ... never play Cranium against them.
- Staff changing out our entire beds, not just the sheets
- Guy cleaning the grill for 3 hours, so Brandon used the other one
- Dani’s secret cribs video that she won’t share
- 49 Black Sand Beach
- Dani skinny-snorkeling
- Pauletta almost blowing her and Kristie's faces off with the gas grill
-"Say hello to your mother for me."
- Ricky says..."We're not getting out of this pool until the lights go off!"
- The Llama (waiting for Ricky in the bed!)
- Ricky wants to mention just the evening that will go down in history...Obama being elected President!
- I liked betting on the grocery bill...who the hell actually thought it was going to be just $350???
- I liked how Lisa asked if we were going to bang it out (for when we were still deciding on which room we wanted)
- The astronaut we want to put out on the "moon."
- We all know now what Lisa does at 10 a.m. every morning!
- Lisa running into the glass door and spilling her drink (YOU...boosh)
- $900 Millionaires
- Donkey Balls
- Surfing Ass
- Mai Thais on the beach (best mental image- OA walking back with drinks)
- Rick Jams
- Longest neck in the history of Pictionary
- Kristie saying she was "so bad at Pictionary" <--insert "air quotes"
- Let's build a bridge to make this game easier - (boys)
- All Play again?
- I want my two doooolllllars!
- Handstands & rounds offs on the grassy knoll
- Some People want to eat you...I just want to talk to you
- Camera diving . . . drip drip
- Cadaver Dani (scary open eyes)
- Five, Five, Five Dollar footlooongs.
- Saved by Zero!

The Pictionary PDF >>


Please don't reproduce these pictures without our consent. Unless you are one of our friends or family, then have at it.
All images copyright Lisa and Brandon Voges. All rights reserved. There. We said it.