The Medrano Wedding

Rommel and Laura get hitched in beautiful Clearwater Florida, A few memorable moments below before the pics...the list is long.
Ridiculous fun in the sun (and rain). Best. Weekend. Ever.

- Tony’s $10 rebate on the $25 bet he lost
- The strange hostess from Down Under…or, London…not sure what she was going for
- Mieka and I getting a case of basket-weave butt on our sunburned legs
- El Principito (i.e. The Dre)
- Tony’s “cold” that he caught
- Brandon and Lisa leaving the room so Tony could get in a cab and go to the Ramada.
- The “fresh cracked pepper” dance.
- ... And a side of crab legs.
- I’m not 40. I’m 22 with 18 years experience (?)
- “I don’t freeze my ice cream.”
- Mieka’s Amelda Marcos impersonation which led to a 49.99-pound suitcase
- All the buzz and excitement I felt hearing there were 9 single women coming to the wedding. Awesome.
- One word: Renuzit
- Hey, at least it only rained for one day. Ohhhhh…..
- The Dre realizing the sides of his legs hurt because his ass barely fit into the stools at the Palm P
- the "i loce you. spay renuzit." text.
- Moses, the dance club cabbie who loves eyeliner almost as much as Ibiza, Mexico.The Dre admitting this out loud to us. Good idea.
- Diana thinking out loud with the “marrying into this family” comment. Awesome.
- Diana’s good humor and social grace handling the inevitable awkward onslaught of us not letting it die. Ever.
- The Palm P staff asking Puz if we were single-handedly trying to put all their kids through college
- Missy Misdemeanor holding down the fort with a well-worded napkin
- Boneless Chicken wings. Really good the first 8 times. OK the 9th through 13th times.
- The ninja-style ass slapping at Frenchy’s
- Larry buying us a two song Dave Matthews concert
- Man + guitar + $30 amp = career in Florida
- Mieka’s organizational skills and cab wrangling ability- always appreciated
- Lisa buying the exact same sunglasses as Brandon and then insisting on wearing his all weekend
- Getting ready in 5:22. Say word.
- The Boa Constrictor impersonation at Shepard’s
- Switching to the Pez Dispenser after getting worn out doing the Boa Constrictor
- The Dre the karate kicking the guy and then talking his the way back into the club after the spitting on the face
- Four-square football
- Off handed football- as if we didn’t look suspect enough at the beach
- Finding the lizard in my suitcase last night at 1:00 in the morning while un-packing. Well-played.
- Learning all about golf etiquette from Medicare Johnson
- The British Royal Army
- Lisa constantly wandering off to try and meet as many truck drivers as possible
- Bad Girls Club: The TMZ Posse best not touch my Jjjuuuicce
- Leisure Suit Larry
- Hearing about Diana asking Lisa and Brandon where their kid was at the big dinner
- Lounge singer Lisa with Rom’s brother draped sexily on the piano
- The family rickshaw ride and making a young girl’s thighs explode
- Brandon finding a paperclip in his eyebrow
- Lisa packing one shirt for a 5 day trip
- Golf tip: “Don’t give up the hole.”
- Mieka’s story about Larry’s romantic way with words when he’s ready for sexy time
- Making about 100 $5 bets resulting in about a $10 dollar loss, total
- Larry showing up one minute before the over/under line for how late he’d be too golf. Clutch performance.
- Finding a video game that combines poker, bowling and gambling. And somehow Larry didn’t win.
- The parking lot pool
- The Monkey leading the conga line
- Jesus watching over us at dinner


Please don't reproduce these pictures without our consent. Unless you are one of our friends or family, then have at it.
All images copyright Lisa and Brandon Voges. All rights reserved. There. We said it.