Peanut Butter Seattle Time! Ricky and P-Lo get hitched!

And of course, with this group, you knew there was going to be a list of quotes that won't make sense to anyone that wasn't there...so let's do it! Or, just skip down past all this nonsense to the pics...

The following exchange:
Tony: “Can we smoke our cigars inside?”
Dave: “Nope- it’s a law in the whole state of California.”
Tony: “What about in the whole state of Washington, jackass.”

Rommel in the ferry bar in redneck accent: “Hows ‘bout we play a lil game called rape.”

Dru at Sunday dinner, while holding a pear: “Interestingly enough, pears…are actually single.”

Seeing The Dude himself at El Goucho

The following exchange, in the hotel elevator:
Tony: “Ricky said to come to Room 1667, but there’s no Floor 1.”
Dave: (Shakes his head, says nothing, and hits the button for Floor 16.)

Dave, after I told him that Christina doesn’t like my leather bracelet: “Why does she hate laughter?”

Knowing why P-Lo’s dad hates Koreans. Wow.

Rommel, at Pike’s Market: “Smells like a sorority house in here.”

Dru, to Rommel, on the ferry: “It’s a show called High Stakes Poker and it’s about…high stakes poker where they play poker, for...high stakes.

The Bainbridge Island Maroon 5 …and their Korean manager

Matt Biermann, at the art museum looking at an art installation of a car wreck in mid air: “Did you ever think someone would ask you to NOT touch a Ford Taurus?”

Spooning Dave

A Delta Gamma…that’s what I Amma!

The world’s worst unicorn video game of all time. Complete with Genie and Space Ship. Kill me.

Me, Kemp and Dave getting in a wreck in our cab, followed by Kemp insisting we bolt the scene immediately.

Tony: “Kemp, I just feel you are being very aggressive right now..."
Kemp: “Dave Hart!”

Getting the wedding DJ to announce ‘Tony Bellasante’

Lisa kicking a the cab-stealer girl’s cell phone into a sewer and explaining later, “I just gave her cell phone to a Ninja Turtle.”

Dru, drunk in Sally & Kemp’s room, wearing Kemp’s glasses and starting every sentence with, “Interestingly enough-“, followed by something incredibly uninteresting.

Cromie being the worst winker ever

Kate being the best

Kell and Juice's Jackson 5 tribute at the reception

Kell's Timberfake routine to 'All The Single Ladies"

Laura, on the wonders of Bainbridge Island: “I think we’re supposed to look at birds and plants.”

Dave and Brandon being dressed just like the waiters in plaid shirts at Thursday night’s restaurant.

Uncle Charlie asking Tony, Dave and Ricky about Ricky’s bachelor party: “You have powder drugs there?”

Dave asking for sugar-free Red Bull from the world’s most interesting bartender on Thursday night. Scorn.

Getting DSI’s at the rehearsal lunch and all of us proceeding straight to the picto-chat room where the chat got X-rated inside of 30 seconds

The following exchange:
Dave: “Larry you look like Kanye West. Dru, you look like…”
Dru (answering for Dave): “Kanye East”.

Josh and I doing the back and chest bump after walking down the aisle, resulting in dirty looks and lectures from both the minister and Amy. “This is not a show.” “Oh really, father?”

The out of town reception on Friday night, site of the maiden Waterfall Slap

Dru, yelling at Ricky’s step brother John to take off the wig so other people could use it at the photo booth. Dru and Irony, tied at 1.

Dru- at breakfast the day of the wedding to Ricky’s dad: “Hi Uncle Charlie.”

Josh Kell starting the Friday bar dance party up on stage, followed by some serious up-snapping, robot dancing, girls in weird jeans, a lot of Asians and Brandon bitch slapping my phone.

The following exchange:
Tony: “So Sally- am I like the worst dancer?”
Sally: “No, not at all."
Tony: “In the group?"
Sally: “Oh...”

Dru somehow lighting his hair on fire and then singing: “Yeahhhhhh- my hair is on fiiiire.”

The bus sparkler with baby on board…great idea

Dave posing for topless photos with the bride…great idea

Dave, while I made him go cologne shopping with me: “You know, there’s just things about you that I guess I have to love…”

Dru co-piloting the limo bus with Steve and leading us all in a stirring rendition of “Hey now…”

Larry and Kemp crashing the high school reunion, where Larry got asked to leave and told the lady kicking him out the she was just bitter about their break-up 40 years ago and that she needed to get over it

Changing the name of the restaurant to El Oucho after Dave got hit in the junk.

Thicke After Dark

Telling the waitress at El Goucho to split the bill 20% cowboy (Dave) /80% security (Tony)

Dave: My hair's off to you.

Kemp giving Dru the porn name Lazy Faire

Dave or Tony (I often get them confused) after Dru's pear joke: And that's why Ricky thinks Dru's the funniest guy he knows and Kell's just a dick.

Ricky: what time did you guys head home last night.
Josh/Amy: we walked home with you.
Ricky: really?

Josh pulling a kanye at the rehearsal and it going over like a turd in a punch bowl.

Cromie: waterfall slap. I'll start with my unborn fetus.

And then there's recounting how a group of us on the Sunday ferry-ride so unfortunately witnessed what were apparently the beginnings of an up & coming Cialis tv-spot. Pun intended.


Please don't reproduce these pictures without our consent. Unless you are one of our friends or family, then have at it.
All images copyright Lisa and Brandon Voges. All rights reserved. There. We said it.