Lisa and Brandon (aka: Team Landon, aka: The Birds) spend 15 days touring South East Asia!

Siem Reap, Cambodia and the Angkor Wat Temples


We found out why this flight was so expensive...we were the only ones on it.

Awwww...baby bananas!

Awwwww....baby alien brains!

Just hanging out...you know, touching noses with buddha, whatever.

Loved this guy. Awesome photographer pose.

Lisa was helping hold up the bridge.

What's up CHIPS?

Amok...fish stew in a curry sauce in a coconut. Awesome.

Coolest umbrella I've seen...looks like a purse.

It was hot as all hell, so on the way back to the hotel, we had the guide take us to a haircut place so I could get "de-bearded".
Got a free massage afterwards too. All for a smooth $1.58.

So fresh and so clean-clean!

Our first tuk-tuk ride.




Please don't reproduce these pictures without our consent. Unless you are one of our friends or family, then have at it.
All images copyright Lisa and Brandon Voges. All rights reserved. There. We said it.