Lisa and Brandon (aka: Team Landon, aka: The Birds) spend 15 days touring South East Asia!

Some ridiculous lists, facts and silly things about the trip


Number of days traveling - 15
Number of flights in those 15 days - 11
Time spent in taxis - 21 hours
Number of times Lisa snorted at a family of wild pigs and they sprinted away in fear - 1
Time spent traveling by train - 18 hours
Number of different beds slept in - 10
Number of times Nick was violently hassled to fix his shoe - 2
Number of photos taken - 1621
Number of instances that people cut in line in front of us in the Phuket airport - 6
Number of times in a taxi that we had the US Embassy on speed dial - 1

The best "you buy" lines:
"You no buy, I cry"
"Buy something", "No, thank you", response, "Yeeessss, thank you"
"Buy something, or I steal your boyfriend"

Things we saw strapped to, or being carried by a moped:
A live pig
An oxygen tank
Many babies
A huge vase
A large oil painting
Dozens of men's suits
5 people
A large flatscreen TV





Please don't reproduce these pictures without our consent. Unless you are one of our friends or family, then have at it.
All images copyright Lisa and Brandon Voges. All rights reserved. There. We said it.