Lisa and Brandon (aka: Team Landon, aka: The Birds) spend 15 days touring South East Asia!

Nikoi Island, Indonesia

Ha, military time is funny.

Leaving the dock in Bintan on a small dingy boat, headed for Nikoi Island...in the dark. Yipes.

I should have put a quarter by this thing, it was huge! The shell was a little smaller than a baseball.

Note the kid sprinting around the corner.

I'm too sexy for my bungalow. Gross.

Note the HUGE lizard/dragon thing on the rock. He had to be 5 feet long.

Somebody is sad we're leaving. Me toooooooo.

Our first monkey sighting...just off the road on the way to the Bintan Ferry.






Please don't reproduce these pictures without our consent. Unless you are one of our friends or family, then have at it.
All images copyright Lisa and Brandon Voges. All rights reserved. There. We said it.