Lisa and Brandon (aka: Team Landon, aka: The Birds) spend 15 days touring South East Asia!

The Topas Ecolodge, just west of Sa Pa, Vietnam



This cup was filled with the most horrendous whiskey you've ever tasted. Purchased on our cruise. I just got chills.

Chinese poker in Vietnam.

Anyone need butter for thier sandwich? I've got 4 pounds on my plate if you need it.

I'll remember this spot, not because of the view, but because it smelled like a dirty toilet. But I guess I liked it because I'm smiling about it.

This was out the window of our CAR as we we're driving through this creek.

More chinese poker...wine and one helluva foggy view.

The aftermath of me slipping, and almost wiping out into a rice paddy. One muddy shoe. Lucky.

Pretty relaxed saftey regulations as I was shown this heavy machinery with exposed belts as I stood there with loose camera straps
and my jacket tied around my waist.

We were shown a legit Red Dao home (that chicken just sprinted past Kristen and Lisa).

We sat down, and beyond our better judgement, enjoyed (or choked on) some home made rice wine (think grain alcohol). "For energy
for the hike"

Along with the shots of grain alcohol, we enjoyed some tobacco smoked out of a water bong. "For more hiking energy". I like these people.

The little piggie went to the market, this little piggie went home, THIS little piggie did the "Jesse Stretch" (the old man from Family Guy's dog).

These were in front of the hospital...the previous doctor was training for some type of martial art. Funny.

Ingenious rice separator. Uses the flowing river/creek to run. Kristen almost got knocked out by the contraption.

Game change, this time we learned Pitch. And drank more beer. And more beer.

What's up Ray Ban Posse!?!?!?!

Lisa's famous "duck face".




Please don't reproduce these pictures without our consent. Unless you are one of our friends or family, then have at it.
All images copyright Lisa and Brandon Voges. All rights reserved. There. We said it.