Breckenridge Ski Trip with the Wolf Pack...Kahkakacheeewaaaaahhh!

To Breckenridge with The Cromies, McWislands, Hartattia and the Landons for a ski/snowboard trip of epic porportions. It can only be summed up by two very distinct words...


Here is a quick video compilation of some very, very awkward moments.

And last but not least, some quotes and memories from the BLWE:

- Getting off the first ski lift, doing the Wolf Pack howl and a teenager saying, “Dude, that was awkward as shit.” Awesome.
- Seeing 8 guys in a 4-man hot tub from our gondola
- The pull out “bed” at the Wolf’s den- not so good
- A TV remote you had to use 12 buttons on to change the channel
- Burn After Reading. Should have just been called Burn $5. Wackedy Schmackedy Doooo.
- Learning how lasagna is made was interesting
- Sally’s picture perfect clay wedding cake drawing nothing but blank stares during Cranium
- “If you roll a purple I will kiss you.” Liar.
- Lisa cracking open a new bottle of wine at 4:00 AM.
- Tony (with freshly opened Miller Lite in hand) to Lisa at 4:30 AM: “But here’s my main thing….wait, what were we talking about?” Rinse. Repeat. 3 more times.
- Dave crying every time he got power bombed
- Brandon to the Cromies after they continued to tear up the mountain- something like: “Your color blind kids will have such good balance.”
- Dave working his magic at the pool table with his lady, and then getting interrogated on why she left (without him).
- Kemper finally arriving on Day 3
- Angelina. The Queen Mother. Mother Earth. Stiffler’s Mom.
- The early morning wake-up call by the snow plow (alleged)
- The Cromies voting people off at the Mexican Dinner
- Jenny Davie is hot
- Lisa hates the word ‘t*ts’. Or Dave. It was kinda unclear.
- And what do I see? A plane. And I’m like, “Coooooommmmmme Onnnnn!!”
- The whole conversation about objectifying women....rewind 6 hours...Dave and Lisa on the mountain talking about a girl I dated and how I didn't like her but she had great t*ts. Let's go ahead and blame that entire drunk conversation on me.
- Dancing like 40 yr olds
- Tony's hook shot on the first throw, ripping off his shirt and then sticking his head in the stove
- Skiing faster than a Kenyan
- Cromies impromptu restaurant review while looking at the outside menu: Riiiiiiiiiiip. "That's what I think of that place."

5 seconds after Lisa's sweet faceplant. Luckily she wasn't going very fast and was ooookaaaaayyyy!

Even busted her goggles


"Hey Tony, $5 says you can't kick this high"

Tony, -$5.

Cromie, +$5

"Tony, $5 says you can't fit your head in that stove." Tony, +$5.

We (being everyone but Tony), spent, literally an hour or more playing this stupid chain bar game, where you try
and swing the ring and catch it on the metal hook. I sat there and, not kidding, watched everyone try it, at least,
40 times each. After putting his head in the stove, Tony walks over. One swing. HOOK. The place goes nuts,
and, of course, Tony proceeds to take his shirt off and get yelled at by the bartender. Classic.



Please don't reproduce these pictures without our consent. Unless you are one of our friends or family, then have at it.
All images copyright Lisa and Brandon Voges. All rights reserved. There. We said it.