Kemp's Bachelor Party Memphis

Into the hornet's nest...what happens in Memphis, stays on this webpage...

- Crypt Keeper
- Baby Peacocks
- 100 Tony Girl Pushups
- 33 Kemp Boy Pushups
- Cromie landing on his ace while trying to kick the light bulb
- Tony's Straw Jump
- The Rush Blackout
- Brandon's lone Denny's experience
- Female Tony
- Larry and Brandon doing the Dumb and Dumber on the drive home
- Our waitress at Silky's spilling our beers everywhere trying to arrange tables
- Meeting a YouTube celebrity: "Are you guys ever on YouTube?"
- Finding out the Colorado Rockies are undefeated with a record of 10 and 3.
- Worst drink ever: The Walk It Down
- Dru's line about the Crypt Keeper posting on my wall at 4:00am: "Guys, in all fairness to her, she's kind of a night owl because she's dead."
- Me making us all pay respect to a pretend soldier. And then us paying respect by challenging him to arm wrestle.
- Arabian Gold and it's enchanting music. And the sign on the machine: "Not responsible for money lost in machine." Neither are we.
- The jumbo flyswatter. Best $5 of the weekend.
- Brandon trading the fly swatter for a round of O' Douls. Worst $5 of the weekend.
- Kemp's pole dancing and the strip club MC telling him to stop taking steroids
- The Kell/Cromie mirror-dancing on Friday night
- Dave becoming homeless drunk on Saturday night
- Kemp dancing with Sally 2.0
- Slap waterfall
- Whatever the rabbits name was at the dog track: "Here comes R-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-something"
- Dave turning 20 free dollars into 50 free dollars
- Dru's triple double in Missouri, Arkansas and Tennessee
- The Department of Boomland Security
- Weatherbird Dave getting his flight cancelled due to weather
- Trying to watch Playboy's Wet n' Wild DVD from the front seat of the car by reflecting it off a CD
- All of us dancing together like sorority girls whenever "Window To The Wall" comes on
- From Saturday night at the hotel: college kids are talking right outside our door at 4:00 am. I open the door in just my underwear and ask them to keep it down a bit. The one girl in the group looks at me and says, "Sorry, sir.". FML.
- Worst ribs of all time at the best BBQ joint in Memphis
- Dave trying to predict the sunset.
- Brandon high on Red Bull and dancing by himself with a giant smile on his face. I would pay $500 to see him on a tab of X.
- Brandon the next day: "I wish Red Bull had never been invented."
- My buddy John calling me Saturday morning and me shrieking in delight: "It's my friend!" Dicks.
- The amount of riot police called in just for Kemper's weekend
- Sam's mild infatuation with Holly. And Dru's wild infatuation with her. Creepy roomie.
- Larry getting slapped by Rush
- Dru getting upset at me for not taking advantage of a drunk 23 year-old who one day is going to be a rich doctor
- Larry and Cromie's cab tour of Memphis on Saturday night.
- The smoke detector in our room kept chirping. Maintenance guy comes in, gives it a new battery. As he's leaving, one of us says: "Guess we can't smoke weed in here anymore." To which he says, "No it's cool- smoking weed doesn't set these off."
- Dru donating his phone charger to Larry who donated it to the bar
- Christina getting the ultimate revenge by telling me that my shants looked cool. Anybody else's ankles cold?
- Everybody angrily rejecting everyone else's Baby Peacocks
- Dru not trusting his stripper and her pricing strategy
- Brandon checking his phone 24/7
- Marina Marina: the story about a young girl's journey from Memphis to YouTube.
I believe the drink was called a “Walk Me Down”. Either way, let’s never drink them again. Unless a hot, self-centered cheerleader and her drunk, abusive friend are involved.
A guy in a green shirt and blond wig dancing with us and trying to sleep with at least half of us.
Telling the girls Cromie and I were brothers and them instantly pointing to me and going “he’s the older one”. FML
Tony’s choice of women in general. The Crypt Keeper somehow over-shadowed the blond hoosier who sat at our table at Silky’s from earlier on Friday night that he really liked. “you’re telling me you wouldn’t bang her? Bullshit! She’s right up my alley!” yes. Yes she is.
Tony giving Cromie and I elevator etiquette
Tony getting angry that Dru and I were commenting on the Marina’s huge cans because we were being “rude”.
The Pyramid being a 50-footer, pretty much summing up most of the girls from the weekend.
tony’s underwear in the bathroom
Cookies at check-in
Tony asking for cookies at 5 in the morning after the strip club
Dave going on and on and on about how much he loves Stacia (sp?)
Larry not getting a private dance, which is like me and Dru saying no to seconds. Easily the most amazing thing about the weekend.
Downtown memphis convincing me that downtown st. louis isn’t all that bad
Dog’s testicles
Warm miller lite
Tony “coincidentally” running into Crystal and her group at Rendezvous and then again at Alfred’s later that night.
The Crypt Keeper’s fashion sense.
Tony’s 40 Minutes of Hell
- Crystal's friend warning Brandon to tell me she's kind of shallow and Juice responding with, "Then they'll be perfect together."
4/6/9 damn good time, I mean 3,6,9.


And a few Tony iphone pic additions...



Please don't reproduce these pictures without our consent. Unless you are one of our friends or family, then have at it.
All images copyright Lisa and Brandon Voges. All rights reserved. There. We said it.